Saturday, June 17, 2006

On Air #1

Depois de Peanuts, mais uma rubrica mensal. A partir de agora, podem ler as minhas entradas ouvindo música. A minha ideia é escolher músicas que permitam a fusão entre esta, o cinema e a ciência. Para começar: David Bowie e a canção Life on Mars?

It's a God awful small affair
To the girl with the mousy hair,
But her mummy is yelling, "No!"
And her daddy has told her to go,
But her friend is no where to be seen.
Now she walks through her sunken dream
To the seats with the clearest view
And she's hooked to the silver screen,
But the film is sadd'ning bore
For she's lived it ten times or more.
She could spit in the eyes of fools
As they ask her to focus on

Fighting in the dance hall.
Oh man! Look at those cavemen go.
It's the freakiest show.
Take a look at the lawman
Beating up the wrong guy.
Oh man! Wonder if he'll ever know
He's in the best selling show.
Is there life on Mars?

It's on America's tortured brow
That Mickey Mouse has grown up a cow.
Now the workers have struck for fame
'Cause Lennon's on sale again.
See the mice in their million hordes
From Ibiza to the
Norfolk Broads.
Rule Britannia is out of bounds
To my mother, my dog, and clowns,
But the film is a sadd'ning bore
'Cause I wrote it ten times or more.
It's about to be writ again
As I ask you to focus on

Fighting in the dance hall.
Oh man! Look at those cavemen go.
It's the freakiest show.
Take a look at the lawman
Beating up the wrong guy.
Oh man! Wonder if he'll ever know
He's in the best selling show.
Is there life on Mars?

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Blogger SIPO said...

Ui Ui Bowie... e que tal "Sister Moon" de Sting!

Blogger brunobd said...

Fica na caixa de sugestões ;)

Mas só para o próximo mês é que me vou preocupar com isso. Mas eu já tenho outras ideias para os próximos "On Air" ;)

Blogger Mono said...

Começa muito bem :)

Blogger brunobd said...


Tenho ouvido regularmente as vossas músicas da semana ;)

Mas isso de ter um blogue a várias mãos deve implicar escolhas bastante diversas. Cada cabeça...


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